Language defines what it means to be human. This very specific system of symbolic communication makes it possible to name the world around us, to exchange ideas and feelings, and to give or hide information. In the digital era, new technological tools affect the way we think and understand reality. Social Media let everyone participate in the narratives of society, however, moods and attitudes are communicated on the same level as information. The endless stream of emotive communication has made it nearly impossible to have a productive debate and often only serves to reinforce beliefs. How has this new emotional language contributed to our age of Post-truth?

The selected works in Affected Words explore how technology and language affect each other. The programme questions how language is used to reproduce control and grant authority, and shows how it could be used as a tool of emancipation and self-determination.
A three-day screening programme about language, technology and post-truth, curated and introduced by Maria Morata

IMPAKT Center for Media Culture
Lange Nieuwstraat 4
21.03.2019 – 23.03.2019
each day at 20:00