It Will Be! was organized in collaboration with the Museum für Neue Kunst in Freiburg, Mama Afrika e.V. in Berlin and various needlework and sewing groups in Freiburg, Berlin and Hamburg, as well as professional artists and designers specialized in textile work. Each participant used his or her own preferred techniques (appliqué, sewing, knitting, knotting, dying, crocheting etc.), own material and creativity to design part of a larger creative whole. The suspended, “flying carpet”-type canopy of triangles created its own space within the context of the exhibition, with many colors reflecting the participants’ own, varying backgrounds and the need to experiment with the idea of social cohesion via solidarity and exchange.
In both exhibitions, the artwork itself became an integrative site where people could debate, share knowledge and experiences, tell stories and network. Participants provided the topics for events and discussions, which were as rich and diverse as the group itself. A song (created in collaboration Melissa Logan and DJ Aroma) was composed from recordings of discussions at some of the needlework group meetings, and could also be heard in the installation. The Haus am Lützowplatz exhibition also included a video and karaoke element made in collaboration with Melissa Logan and Michael Gärtner.
The project creates a heterogeneous temporary community and autonomous zone for reinforcing a sense of social cohesion and mutual empowerment.
This project has been shown
Performing Change, Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg, 2014–2015
It will Be!, Haus am Lützow Platz, Berlin, 2016
It Will Be! was made in collaboration with:
Berlin DIY Crafters, Bündnis Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, Chicks on Speed, Ecktreff, Brunnenviertel e.V. Berlin, Fördergesellschaft der Handwerkskammer, Freiburg, Frauen Staerken im Quartier, Freiburg, Frauenbeauftragte der Stadt Freiburg, Frauenzimmer, Notunterkunft Rathaus Wilmersdorf, ƒƒ e.V., Geschäftsstelle des Gender Mainstreaming der Stadt Freiburg, Institut für Alltagskultur, Bewegung und Gesundheit mit der Fachrichtung, Mode und Textil der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg, Kartal Kadin Ürünleri Pazari, Istanbul, Kiezmutter Wedding, Kontaktstelle Frau und Beruf der Stadt Freiburg, Kulturen im Kiez e.V., Künstler aus der Lampedusa Gruppe, Hamburg, Mama Afrika e.V., Nachbarschaftsetage Osloerstraße, Nachbarschaftswerk e.V., Freiburg, QuerQuiltern, Näherinnenkollektiv Grüner Faden, Freiburg, Non solo eros, OFF Obdach für Frauen, Freiburg, Pankow hilft/AK Freizeit, Frauen/Nähgruppe, Flüchtlingsheim Rennbahnstraße, Sardunya El Emegini Degerlendirme Dernegi, Istanbul, Südwind, MigrantInnen Gruppe, Freiburg e.V., Sexclusivitäten, Stelle zur Gleichberechtigung der Frau der Stadt Freiburg, Terre des Femmes, Textile Art Berlin, Wedding Hilft, AG Handarbeit.