Studio Mathilde ter Heijne
Berlinerstrasse 23
13189 Berlin, Germany
info (at)
Art Direction
Webdesign / Code
Thank you to
Kai Dieterich, Vanessa Grave-Nor, Anita Iannacchione, Oliver Niemann, Christine Nippe
Photo credits
Kartal Belediyesi, Bernd Borchardt, David Brandt, Ben Busch, Andrea Cavazzutti, Christine Dierenbach, Kai Dieterich, Christina Dimitriadis, Juliane Eirich, Walker Evans, Alexander Gheorghiu, Trevor Good, Ralf Herzig, Annette Kradisch, Edo Kuipers, Nihad Nino Pušija, Hamy Ramezan, MaschekS, Judith Seng, Marcus Schneider.
Thank you to all artists and non-artists for their collaboration or participation in my projects; to all those who took part in the conversations; and to those who helped show and promote my work.
-Mathilde ter Heijne
The production of this website was supported by the Senatskanzlei for Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Berlin and the Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam.
To publish any images or content from, contact info (at) for permission.
© Mathilde ter Heijne 2011-2020